Introducing GO1 Premium online training


go1 courses

Finding the right online training solution can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be. GO1 is a new way to train your team. GO1 brings all of the world’s top training providers under the same roof, providing you with a one-stop shop for learning.

Access the growing library of thousands of courses covering compliance through to soft skills training, in a monthly subscription.

Download the GO1 Premium online training brochure here.

With GO1 Premium online training, you’ll have unlimited access to a growing library containing thousands of  learning resources, from top training providers around the world – all in one easy subscription.

A one-stop shop for all things training, GO1 makes it easy to compare the best training options available, and find the right resources for your professional development, compliance and business  training needs.

All courses can be used in any third-party SCORM compliant Learning Management System. Add GO1 Premium directly to your current LMS and get learning faster!

Contact us today to find out how to transform your training with GO1 – leaders in learning, design and delivery.